Groovy Scripts Online Training
- Groovy Fundamentals
- Differences between Groovy and Java
- Compiling and executing Groovy programs
- The basic Groovy data types and optional typing
- Writing Groovy scripts
- Declaring classes
- Overriding operators and type coercion
- GDK: the Groovy library
- Groovy strings
- Regular expressions in Groovy
- Groovy Collections
- Ranges
- Lists
- Maps
- Iterators and polymorphic algorithms
- Closures in Groovy
- Declaring closures
- Available options for calling closures
- Groovy Control Structures
- The "Groovy truth"
- Conditional execution
- Looping constructs
- Using Classes and Scripts
- Groovy fields and local variables
- Methods and operations
- Safe dereferencing with the ?. operator
- Organizing classes in packages
- Using inheritance
- POGO's vs. POJO's