Ruby on Rails Online Training
- Ruby History
- Environments and Editors
- Ruby Download and Installation
- Folder Structure and Gems Location
- Ruby Command Line Vs IRB
- Puts Vs print
- Interpolation and Comments
- Variable Types with Naming Convention
- Conditional and Controller Statements & Modifiers
- Operator Types
- Ruby Ranges and Date-time
- What is an Object in Ruby
- Numeric
- Object Types Built in Objects
- Strings
- Arrays
- Hashes
- Symbols
- Pre-defined methods
- Custom Methods
- Iteration Iterators and Loops Statements
- Ruby Closures
- Blocks
- Procs
- Lambdas
- Modules Mixins with Naming Conventions
- Expressions
- Files
- Object Orientation Concepts with Naming Conventions Polymorphism Meta Programming
- Doubts Clarification
- Rails Introduction
- Environments and Editors
- Ruby Sublime Text
- Version and Install Ubuntu
- Install Ruby, Rails and Mysql
- Framework Structure
- MVC Flow
- Rails Terminal Commands
- Rake Terminal Commands
- Gem Terminal Commands
- Rails Components
- What is Meta Programming?
- Create sample project
- Database Setup
- Controller View Flow Yield
- Routes and it's Purpose
- Layouts
- Partials
- Helpers
- Active Record model
- Databases and Migrations
- Configuring a project for Database
- Creating a database
- Generating Migration
- Add column Change column Delete Column
- Forms and other tags
- Data Validation Server-side
- validates_presence_of
- validates_length_of
- validates_acceptance_of
- validates_confirmation_of
- validates_uniqueness_of
- validates_format_of
- validates_numericality_of
- validates_inclusion_of
- validates_exclusion_of
- validates_associated
- Create_action
- Read_action
- Update_action
- Delete_action
- Associations
- Belong-to
- has-one
- has-many
- has-one :through
- has-many : through many-many
- has and belongs to many
- Callbacks
- Cookies and Sessions
- Action Mailer and Send mails
- Introducing Advanced Topics
- Adding and Installing 3rd Party Gems
- Deploy from local to Github
- Rest Web services(API)
- Deploy with (Heroku)Cap
- Practice with Project
- Doubts Clarification Ruby and Rails interview
Note: The candidates must have knowledge on following concepts before learning ROR
- HTML 4&5
- CSS 2&3